Thursday, September 1, 2011

Minorities Unite!

I was so taken back when a classmate of mine looked at me and said she shared in my frustration. I was taken back because for the first time I felt a connection in how minority students feel.

We sat in class the professor made a comment about phony politicians. The comment is not what this is about. My classmate happens to be of Asian decent. When the "white" people in class hear the teachers comments several of them spoke up. They were apparently offended and thought the professor was insulting them... yet the professor is Caucasian as well.

My classmate caught me gaze, and she smiled  and said... "I know.. I know what you are thinking.... white people are so DEFENSIVE..." as if she had read my mind.

The reason why it took me by surprise was because I had never experience a sense of unity with other minority groups other than that of my own. Its really nice to see that we "brown" people aren't the only ones going through our classes and feeling annoyed every time something is thrown at the Caucasian population, only to hear them get all worked up while OTHERS are throwing their opinions out there.

If minorities are able to tolerate stereotypes made against us all the time... why is it that whites get all worked up about it? Could it be their unwillingness to accept that even their ethnic group has flaws??

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