Saturday, November 27, 2010

FALL randomness...

Where to start?

I have so much on my mind that I have no idea how to sort my thoughts out.

First, I stayed up and went to go see Love and Other Drugs Want a review? Well, I was a little disappointed. I was expecting to see this GREAT movie. Instead, I stayed up for an OK movie. I had a hint of disappointment when I saw the line to TANGLED. (which consisted of a bunch of little girls....) By the end of the movie I realized I would have probably been better off standing in line with a bunch of little girls. Love and Other Drugs, was had too much sexual content for my taste. I thought it contained too much sex scenes and nudity that the movie could have done with out. But maybe this is just my conservative side speaking. Other than, that it was humorous and it was a well inspired movie.

Let's see, what else. Oh I have been such a bum this week off. I feel like I did nothing. Homework wise... I am still trying to pace myself and I basically gave up on my online class. I might just have to take it all over again. This not having Internet thing at home was just not good. As it is I already spent more than half of the semester living at the library and I still needed more time on line. But Its no excuse.. its my responsibility and I am owning up to it. Oh well.

Thanksgiving was, rather quiet. Could it be that my family is finally realizing that there is no need to bring anyone else's family over for dinner??? That all we need is US. That with US is enough to have a good time?? Of course, there were others that weren't related to us but its an improvement and i cant expect them to just change from one year to the next. And because I am a realist, I too will not expect this come Christmas time, much less next year. I'm gonna say I got lucky this year with Thanksgiving Day.

Black Friday. Yup I took part in the madness.. I went to the outlets, and it was crazy! I drove, to and from, and I spent money that was not mine. (with permission of course LOL) So while my SIL was shopping with my brothers (her husbands) money, and my sis shopping with money my soon to be BIL gave her, I shopped with my older Brothers money. I guess it was OK. I just wish I would've had enough money to spend on myself. :sigh: oh well. maybe next year. Being back in SM brought back so many memories... While others where busy looking for a certain size, I occasionally found myself with flashbacks of the year i spent there. These flashbacks were filled with good and bad memories. I mostly enjoyed the good memories.

I got home and slept for most of the following day, When i would wake up, id think about the nostalgia I experienced. I ended up feeling depressed. I started to think if the unknown numbers I have recently been receiving were HIM. The thought still gives me the chills. Maybe a change in phone numbers would do the trick.

Also, yesterday I received the most unusual call. Someone from my old job calls me. I remember him because he asked me if i was selling the vehicle that I was driving at the time. It so happen that my dad was selling it, I was just using it until my truck got fixed up. The call took me by surprised, but the guy ended up asking me out! Stupid man. He probably doesn't even remember who I am. HE was old enough to be my dad... that Jerk! the nerve!  It was a reminder of how good of a decision I made to leave that wretched place. And now he insists on calling me... and he can keep calling because I am not answering. HMPH!

I don't know what it is, but at times I feel like I have a huge sign on my forehead that says "looking to get set up." I am not now nor will I be looking to get set up with anyone. I am capable of finding guys to date. I just choose not to. I have a stubborn heart that just wont budge and if I haven't been able to change that neither will anyone else.

"The heart wants what the heart wants...."

This is probably the start of a new blog.... So I'll just ended it here.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

adulthood... ignorance???

Where have I been?

Did I miss out on an important college course??

At times, I feel like it. So I laugh about it. I go along and play along (as much as i can) when people talk about things i have no clue about.

Lately, it's been more frequent.

The whole, "that's what she said" was finally revealed to me... and I didn't find it THAT funny. lol... .

The "adult" party with "toys", is something I don't wish to be a part of.

Seriously, sometimes it seems as if SEX or anything that deals with the subject is all anyone really talks about.

 When the topic arises, I tend to just sit and listen...listen if i have to. IF i don't have to sit there, I make an excuse, any excuse to leave. This is not because the topic makes me uncomfortable - -  no, not at all. I am capable of talking about it and even thinking about it but I don't think it is something to be discussed so freely and with just anybody. I am an adult and I am neither ashamed nor does it make me uncomfortable. But when girls talk about it, most of the time, its not proper.  Maybe these feelings come from lack of experience but i guess I wont know anytime soon. I don't want to be the punchline to a joke, but if my decision to not partake in a "romance party" due to my beliefs, then i don't mind being the punch line.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Movies I'd Love to go see!

Here is a list of the Movies I'd like to go see sometime soon...

theres a lot more to the list but here are the ones I found..

Betty white... lets see what the big deal is.. lol

one word.... SHIA!!!

I just happen to liek one of the songs on this soundtrack... Secrets by One republic.. lol.

Something different never hurt anyone... besides..

Not a Jolie fan but the previews looked awesome..

Heigl.. nuff said.. lol.. plus I like anything with babies in it!

Drew Barrymore... need i say more??

lol.. the previews were funny...

and this is my first pick.. hopefully i get to see at least ONE of these soon.. yes... ONE is all i ask for. :D

Have a good day!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010