Sunday, July 18, 2010

2010 NCLR Lideres Summit


Where to begin? I knew I would write a blog on my experience, so here it goes...

This was my third year. Aside from BB- the Director for the NCLR Lideres Initiative, I was the only who had 3 years of experience. Believe it or not, I was feeling the pressure of that especially cus it was mentioned often..... - or maybe it was just me mentioning it to myself. ... who knows!

The thing about the Lideres summit is that no matter how many times you've gone through the experience its always different, there's always that excitement you get when you're about to meet the staff. The worries about getting along and making sure everyone is included and feels included comes along with that too.

I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly we became a hit with each other. OF course there were those people who you make a connection with more than with others... but the professionalism that was set forth by all of us was just amazing. We did act a little immature and goofed off a bit at times but who doesn't? The only thing that matters is that we put on a great Summit!

I do miss everyone. IT also never fails that I tend to be more serious about everthing once conference has ended. I think this is due to the fact that I return to my routine and I go about my business. The interactions with everyone around me and the constant reminder that I no longer have those amazing people who simply get me, can lead me to miss the experience horribly.

You see, for those that are reading or will read this someday, the Lideres Summit is something more than just a group of people coming together to put on a conference for other youth. We are a people who may be considered young. We come together because we have a passion to Promote the Latino community and enhance how the rest of the society sees us. We come together to discuss a lot of the issues that our Latino community faces all across the country. WE come together, Most importantly because we need more Latino Leadership in this country. Weather it be to become a leader in your own schools, community, or maybe even becoming politically involved in the city, state or national level. What ever it is WE NEED LIDERES!

lot of what I have taken from these experiences is the sense of feeling like I belong. At times even my own classmates, friends and acquaintances don't really care to know or do anything that effects or will improve the Latino Community. Yet, with NCLR's Lideres Summit, people you come across just get it. They are passionate about things such as the immigration reform, the Dream Act, etc the same things I find of great importance. With the people you meet and the stories they share, you get inspired to just keep the fight going, to get up and take a stand and above all, to rise to the challenge by taking a leadership role big or small.

There are times when I tend to forget about keeping the fight going. Especially when I live in a City where the Hispanics have just simply molded into the stereotypes that have been placed by other non Hispanics. (teen pregnancy, drop out rates, etc...) These molds have been in place for such a long time that attempting to break them can, and at times seem, something impossible to accomplish.

Getting a call from a fellow staff member yesterday as I was about to go into work made my day. To know that this, the summit, wasn't just a ten day event but rather a shared experiences that leads to having friends - and above all a support system, a familia....all across the country.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

DAy 2.

I am so tired. and my feet are in unbelievable pain at the moment.

Our Noche de PRemios is tonight.

Essay winners will be there getting recognized and our sponsors will also be there. Not a whole lot of pressure because the MC will be done by the Director of the NCLR AmeriCorp program.

All I really need to focus on is getting these Contestants for the TAlent showcase all lined up for the show. : -D

This is dear to my heart and i have high expectation, and these expectation were set by me. Last year i was given this responsibility and even though i didnt know how i would pull it off or even if i could.. it ended up being one of the biggest and most talked about event of the entire summit.

hopefully everything goes well and nothing too crazy happens.

after tomorrow I can worry about My role ad and MC for the Lideres despedia.... i dont even wanna think about it.

i got to run to start setting up for the next event ..


Friday, July 9, 2010

Welcome Dinner and Gozadera.

Ok so we have about 45 minutes til we put on our next meal event.

after that its the Gozadera.. which iis the dance .. i will probably be more of a chaperon...

im signing off for the day because i wont have access to the internet and will not be back at the office...

ill try to update my facebook status..

im really sad i missed JAnet Murguia (PResident and CEO of NCLR) launch her twitter acccount...

sorry for all the bad spelling.. im in such a rush.

*If you're reading this.. thank you... it never fails.. you are one of the people i can truly just listened to and believe when they tell me things are going crazy ..

ALso.. i was really impressed with the immigration Dream ACt workshop...

... keep the prayers coming.,..


WElcome Luncheon

This event was very hectic.

I am proud of my Emcees. They did an awesome job!

If I could change anything it would just be starting on time and wishing I had known about the pitcher of ICe water that fell on stage when we moved the podium.

Definitely one for the books.

IT was aalso really nice to see Wilna and Celina. These ladies taught me what I know and being here without them especially at the Luncheon made me miss the times when I was just a newbie.

But the pressure I felt was just a reminder this comes along with growing up and seizing the the opportunity to be a leader.

please keep praying for me.

The next big event is the Noche de bienvenida..and the Gozadera..

Wish me luck !

2010 NCLR Lideres Summit

Ok so its about an hour before the welcome Luncheon and being one of the Leads for the Meals and Reception committee is a bit nerve wrecking.

I have my MCs and I am confident that this show will go as planned.
My entertainment is gonna be exciting..

MAriachi "L"

Groupo del Cielo... and

of course BB and all of the staff..

got to run and get crazy..

please pray for me.