Ok first off I finished a post I had started, (friendship schedule).. Blogger has this thing were you can save your blogs but will publish them the day you started them and not the day you finish them. weird.
Ok so Like mentioned it the past post - This is a post about my NEW JOB.
*sigh* where to begin.
Lets see, Where do i begin.
First off, I am way over qualified for this job. I mean this in without intending to sound cocky or full of myself. I seriously am overqualified though. I am a Cashier at a Restaurant. A restaurant Downtown, where tourist, among people other people with fame go to. Lets refer to it as LM. I get paid 8.50/hr. I get paid every week, which is probably the one thing I cant complain about. I am probably gonna stay there for a good while though. The manager that hired me was a real good man. He made me feel like they could and would work with me because I was going to school. And they have.
SO Why do I hate it so much?
a few reasons.
Mostly its the people who work there. At first, I thought everyone was super nice. Most of the Servers (waitstaff) are men. All of the Cashiers are females. The Waiters bring us the bill for each table and we process the payment. I was quick to notice how friendly all the waiters were. I really didnt think much of it because most of them have been there for more than a decade. yes thats right... some have been there almost 30 years.. so Most of them are old enough to be my father. I also was quick to notice how they treated the cashiers. And thats where I found the problem. The older men are very "friendly." They tend to pick on the cashiers and say offensive things to them. To my surprise, I am the only one who finds such comments offensive.
The Uniforms we wear aren't revealing,

It is very similar to this image. Except our blouse is White and the skirt is Blue. we were a Belt type thing that is bright orange. A lot of the offensive comments are done because of what we wear. I have heard some waiters tell one of the cashiers that she should wear a slip so that they wont get distracted. Also, because we are not allowed to carry cell phones, yet some of them still do.. they choose to hide it in thier bras... where they have to constantly be pulling their shirt down in order to retreive it making it look very inappropriate.
Also, the men there are very touchy-feely. Ive seen some touch the cashiers inappropirately. Although they do get a reaction from the cashiers its always a playful response. My second day there, I had men coming up to hug and kiss me as i entered the break room. I hug and kiss on the cheek to people I have known for years, and I know who is comfortable with it and who isnt, so I dont do it to every one. These people however made me uncomfortable. Most of the staff is from MExico, and this is something that is used there, but also in moderation.
I was quick to realize that the reason these waiters behave this way is because the cashiers allow them to. There have been certain comments that I have received, my response to them however has probably not been very pleasing to the waiters. I have been told by other cashiers that some of them think im stuck up.
to this I laughed. I have no problem with them thinking this way. I know its not true. I do hope that they don't cross the line with me, because there will be some serious words said to them. I will look past their age, and forget about respecting my elders. First they must learn to respect me.
Also it is very hard, EXTREMELY hard not to judge some of these men. I know some are married, with children, and others also work along side their sons. So what kind of people are they?? set the example! jeez!
Also the the other thing that bugs me is when I am stationed to work at the Bar. They have Hundreds of Tequila brands that I have yet to figure out. I cant tell the diffrence between cognac and brandy. And although the bartenders are some of the better men who work there, their constant questions as to why I dont drink and never accept an invite is annoying and I do wish they would just let me do my job.
I chose to keep my life rather private at work because Its not somewhere I plan to find good friends, nor do I plan to stay there for ten years like some of them have, but for now... It is a job i am willing to put up with because it makes my school schedule work. It also allows me to make ends meet.. so far at least.
I do have some bad memories of the Festivities that are currently going on, and my time there this week will drag on, but I have to constantly remind myself that all it is is a temporary solution for some of my financial problems and I must be strong despite the uncomfortable things I have to endure.
Another reason I am somewhat bitter about it is tha because of it I kind of have this nasty feeling of selfishness. I no longer have the time to be around the parish and pay my weekly visits (other than Sundays) to La Virgen de San Juan or La Virgen de Guadalupe. I feel as if I have turned my back on them and I hate it. This is probably the hardest thing to cope with. I no longer have that alone time at the parish and unleashing anguish, frustrations or just expressing how thankful I am for all of the blessings in my life, is not the same thing when its done at home, or late at night when I get off of work.
I know that for some people it may seem as though I am giving the time I used to give to my faith to some insignificant job. This is true at the surface. Once you get past that, people will know that although it is an insignificant job, it is allowing me to continue to pay for my studies and that my faith it is still very strong.