Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Wrap up.

I am finally home in my cozy apartment. Cozy because I can finally be in my pajamas.  I wish it were warmer in here.  I really need to see about getting a heater in here.  Because the winters don't usually last this long here in Texas, all you really need to survive is an AC. I have that, But right now I really did wish I had a heater.

We were finally able to make the cookies and cupcakes after many trips to the store. (my SIL was so un prepared this year)

I later got ready and headed to my parents home for our traditional "Acostada"
There was chaos as usual. My mom left to go pray at another house and it just threw everyone off. People she had invited showed up and no one knew what to do. I fed them, that bought us some time. After small talk to people I don't really know, I too started to get impatient. I finally decided to drop the "host" title when they started asking me where my boyfriend was, and when was I thinking of settling down.

Only then did I realize that I was the only one who didn't have a significant other whom people knew about. Which might have imposed the question about me bringing any one over for Christmas. I don't know that I would bring anyone over even if I did have someone. LOL

I think I would be more than likely to spend it with him, considering things were serious. My family wouldn't approve, and would have a field day if this were to happen. Funny part is that they expect my brothers girlfriends and wives to join in on our traditions and could care less about the traditions their families have. Their justification is that in their eyes and how they grew up, a woman is supposed to always follow her husband. I almost can't wait to do that. I love trying (emphasis on the word "trying") to reason with them. It never works. LOL

All in all, Christmas went well. We had fun playing the white elephant and just seeing the little ones enjoy their gifts.

I hope your christmas was as great as mine, if not better!

2011, Come on,  I am ready.

got to go, my double chocolate brownies are done! 

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