Saturday I volunteered to help out with an event put on by my university. The organization that I am part of is trying to make a name and get recognize for out efforts to push for education, especially bilingual education.
Since this event targeted 6th graders, all members agreed on volunteering. We come to know on that day of, that this event is put on for kids who attend private catholic schools. I decided to make the best of it but the comments made by parents and how they carried themselves allowed me to realize that these children were not being deprived of an education. Their parents were well off . Enough to pay for tuition. Not all were paying, but they were blessed with the opportunity to provide that for their children.
These kids and their parents, spend a day on campus. They were fed, given tours, attended mock classes, and even had the opportunity to watch a university soccer game. All sorts of goodies were provided for them, backpacks, expensive calculators, USB ports, hoodies, and the mother of all; a $40,000 scholarship to attend this university.
A sixth grader whose parents are able to afford to pay tuition, has a FULL scholarship to THIS university (if tuition rates don't rise). What is wrong with this picture??
These parents for the most part are educated. Such grant was supposed to target future first generation college students. These parents, most of not all, had a college degree. Why were they chosen? HAnd picked selection done by the principals of the schools that were selected for this. (all were private).
Why aren't we targeting those who have no means?? who's desire is to attend a university but have no financial way to make it happen.
When such news was announced to the parents, the kids faces were indifferent. At such age, one doesn't realize what 40k can do or what it means in regards to an education. Some parents did shed a tear, because they know what it is like and the sort of financial burden it can be to put a child through college. I teared up. some of the reasons why are because well first of all I am a crier. Second, the realization that our of those 20 scholarships awarded only 4 will be used. 4!!!!!
Here I am crying my eyes out because I cant seem to find a way to pay off 2K in order to register for classes next semester and these snotty, private school brats, have just received a full ride and they would rather keep indulging in the sweets and drinks than to properly thank the people who made this possible.
I left with a bittersweet feeling. IT is great to know that there are people out there that are trying to improve the Latino statistics in education, but have not yet realized that perhaps the Latino population needs to be looked at a bit closer to know who INDEED needs the help and support.