I don't get along very well with my sister, who so happens to be my twin. (if you knew us both, you'd understand why... and those that do know us both, you would agree that this is true).
My sister has had this boyfriend of hers for about 2 years, I think. The point is that no one really approved at the beginning. The reasons are too many to name, and also the reasons don't really matter because she is getting married to him next May..... MAYBE.
Yes, it is a BIG MAYBE. My sister treats this guy so bad that at times I have wondered why he is still around. In fact, I myself, on a few occasions advised him to leaver her. I am a horrible sister aren't I? But at least I have said this while shes is in the room. She knows how much of a horrible person she can become.
At first we all though he was all wrong for her, in fact I still feel the same way about him as I did back then, but if my sister is to marry this guy, then so be it... everyone has already just adapted to his presence and his presence is even missed when hes not around. He probably visits my parents home more than I do. lol.
However, their relationship is on faulty ground because it started out as sneaking around, and because my sister took forever, FOREVER, to admit to everyone that this was the guy for her.
I was so baffled at how she treated him yesterday. Poor guy. He decides to share this with me and I have to admit that he was not at fault. My sister never stands up for him when my brothers, young and OLD, insult him. I cringe when they do this in front of me, and part of me wants to stand up for him. It isn't because I love the guy, HA! yea right! I think I feel this way because I know that it isn't right. And my sister allows it, and sometimes even joins in.
Like I said before, I don't know why hes still around. I have come to the conclusion that he does in fact, in his own way, love my sister. (and if its not love then he really does care for her). Why else would he put up with so much crap????..... never mind... don't answer that.
Any how, they are currently "broken up" (dejados) yet he was at my moms yesterday, begging her to forgive him... The poor guy is asking for my advice, and to tell you the truth I wanted to tell him to run as fast as he could and never return. My sister has never establish his place in the family and therefore he is disrespected by one and all... (i too am guilty... but i have seen the error of my ways since they announced that marriage was in their plans)
I laughed and now pity them because their fight was so silly and she blew it out of proportion. It could be that this is just her technique at getting a really big and expensive gift since her bday is coming up.

I don't like to butt in and frankly, my sister has a point... what do I know about being in a relationship?
I don't think I was butting in, especially if her bf is asking me for my opinion.
Regardless, that was my cue to leave. I left. Pondering and replaying my sister's words over and over. I don't know what it is like, but I know that when i am fortunate enough to be in her shoes I won't pick silly fights with the person I am thinking of spending the rest of my life with. I will most certainly stand up for him if he is disrespected by my family, regardless of who it is.

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