Why? Women are so confusing.. which is why sometimes I hate that I am one of them. LOL

I guess for this to make sense I might have to explain a bit. I know theres a post about Superman around here somewhere.. you can go find it. lol.. anywho.
I don't know why but for some reason hes been in and out of my head for the past week. I looked for his car in the parking lot, I thought I saw him through a window while I was in class on Monday, and on Wednesday I though I saw him in a truck at an intersection on my way home.
Today, I decided to send him a text. Something I haven't done in a very long while. Of course he has not either. I didn't expect a text message back because I am well aware that it may be a bit weird between us, but I wanted him to know that he was on my mind and also that my hopes are that he is doing fine.
It was revealed to me, (about and hour ago) through a social network *cough*Facebook*cough that hes is actually dating this girl I had for a class last semester, I think we share majors because shes in one of my classes this semester too. (note to self - remember to thank her for not showing up last tuesday and presenting Chapt 10 of text , because of her and her group... our midterm will not include Chapter 10! yay)
Anywho, I am happy for the guy. I am. They make more sense that He and I ever would- but it still stung when I found out. I asked myself why? and the only real explanation I came upon was that he understood me, and where I come from and he made me feel "special, and unique", and i cant forget "princesa.." I know that his excuse about him not wanting to be a distraction (from my studies) was just a polite way of saying that despite sharing identical values and morals, and that even though I posses qualities he looks for in a girl, He is shallow. I am okay with it and I hope he is too.
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