Oh so I have one more midterm left.. and i can smell spring break already.. heres a list of somethings I want to get done....
1. get started on reading twilight (yes, I know what I said before, but for some reason i dont think it would be that bad right? )
2. find an apartment (this is probably the one thing I am dreading this spring break)
3. find a new job! (one that pays more, ive been thinkng about waitressing?)
4. read The last song
5. sis. Pape (my prof from last semester, i plan to visit her at least once during the break so i can catch up or at least let my fingers fiddle with the piano.. they miss it)
6. SLEEP! (this is probably the one thing i really need to do.. I am starting to believe that my brain has or will be seriously injured due to the sleep debt I have accumulated this semester)
so there you have it... a short post for once.. lol..
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