Being alone, living alone, has brought this appreciation for silence, and just being still...even if its for two seconds. I now know that in being quiet, I find myself. I find this peace. I think its because I have finally realized that no one will ever understand the inner workings of my brain, mind, heart.. soul..
I have wrapped my world around school. As where my intentions... and I like it like that. I plan to continue this until I am satisfied. Last week I felt trapped in a bubble.. a bubble that I volunteered for. Midterms were out of this world. The pressure of making the grade.. studying every bit of info fed to me was tiresome. On top of all that I had to shove aside the thought of finding a new place, and the worry of making tuition payments aside. I have faith... and right now.. its probably the one thing that is keeping me here.. breathing.
I share less, cry more, but I know that my prayers are floating around somewhere.. waiting to be answered.

I guess I was wrong... Midterm results are in 2 A's 3B's... A little bummed for the B- but I am trying not to be so hard on myself. Considering the chaos my mind was under.. I am proud. I anxiously awaited these results because I had the hopes that I would get rid of this emptiness. That I would go back to just feeling okay.. I was wrong. Its still lingering and maybe I am being weird, or maybe people are right and I am depressed. who the heck knows??

And the worst part is that I feel completely lost....

1 comment:
Being alone, living alone... I hate it...When I had my bestfriend Jessica as a Roomate we were great together and had each others back no other. I agree with you about the silence... At times I just lay here and turn around to my left towards my window to see the moon... to notice how quiet it is in my life in my own world that consist of my apartment. It is true what you say that no one really inderstands , until they do so...
At time cahos is what pushes us to do our best... You might be surprised....
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