I really wanted to just get away.... With no luck on finding a new job, or a new place to live.. I was feeling pretty low.
Yesterday, was much needed. After spending all day buried in a book, and going to spend time with the ladies from the parish I attend, it was a good way to end a thursday.
Update on the new place - I think I might have found something.. I might move out TOMORROW...
update on the new JOB - since I have been at work since 8am this morning and its quiet slow..I logged on and searched frantically for anyplace that was hiring. I came across this ad and decided to give it a call while I was supposed to be shelf reading.. turns out that I have an interview at 5pm TODAY! which means Fridays might be my favorite days from now on.. AH!
I must remind myself that it is just an interview... and that nothing is set in stone yet.. But the pay is really good and I do hope that I get it... but well see what happens..
toodles.. wish me luck.
suerte, tere!!
Good that you found a new place.... what job did you find? may i apply for it too???
so I nailed both interviews... they called within 15minutes of leaving their office letting me know they wanted to offer me a position... BUT when asked about the scheduled hours to see if they would be flexible as they seemed to be, it failed.. I had to decline grrr.. its so frustrating!! how am I suppose to stop going to class??? stupid ppl!!
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