I am seriously running out of patience. Late last semester, I received a friend request on good old fb. (lets call him boy - that is what he is.. it suits)
Had I known the headaches it would cost me to accept such request, I would've rejected it like I normally do.
I only accept request from people I know... with maybe the exception of two at the most. The reason I accepted boy was because the request showed that we had a mutual friend whom I happened to know personally through the Internship I participated in Chicago last summer. So I figured, if he is friends with her, then he should be okay. My mind steered more into the idea of networking because that is how I usually look at the people who I get to meet at such internships. Some of them have become "friends." Because I got along very well with said mutual friend, I didn't hesitate to add boy. I never looked at his profile, never really took a look at his pic etc.. until one day I get a text from him. At first i thought that he had gotten it from our mutual friend. EH! I was wrong. turns out he got it off of fb.
You're probably thinking, I asked for this because my number is listed for the world to see on the web right?! Well, just to be clear I can attest to knowing 99.0 % of the people I have listed as friends on Fb, and most if not all of them have my number. My profile is also set to private, so unless I add you can't see my personal info.
I texted back and forth that first night. I think I replied maybe twice and that was it.. I had work to do and I let him know that I was busy and he happily apologized and allowed me to get back to work uninterrupted.
The next day however, I kept getting his text messages all through out the day. I didn't reply to him til very late in the afternoon. (I usually don't reply unless i think youre kind of important... or if you are someone I appreciate :D - he was neither.)
Ok so the situation just kept on.. his text kept coming until I get a call from him. I had not saved his number because I didnt even know his last name (-i have a rule about saving phone numbers... i will only add you if i know first and last name.. sometimes last names will do.. but never first names only.. NEVER)
Ahem.. I also am not known to answer calls form numbers that are not saved on my phone... I did pick up this call because the area code was from a city I have several friends in, I figured it was one of them calling me with a new number, or trying to reach me for a conference I was supposed to be a part of. If had know it was him I wouldnt have answered the call. the dialogue went something like this:
Me: Hello?
boy: Teresa? (pronounced as if it were a white name?)
ME: Alfredo?
boy: No this is [insert boy name here], Ive been the one texting you...
ME: oh okay? (I was sooo confused!)
boy: can you talk?
ME: actually I can't (I realized who it was)
boy: whats a good time to call back?
Me: I dont have time right now, goodbye.
boy: wait, how old are you if you dont mind me asking?
ME: Excuse me?! (he repeats himself) umm 23?
boy: oh wow! you sound really young! (what the?!)
Me: goodbye!
I was extremely annoyed. I didnt know what to think.. what did his WOW mean when I revealed my age? JERK! So I got curious and checked his profile.. the kid, boy was born in 1991!!!!??!! which means hes only 17?! high school?! seriously?! I could seriously get in trouble with the law for just talking to him. I immediately removed him from my friends but the texts kept coming. they doubled in quantity and i was really annoyed. I sent him very polite text messages explaining to him how I had no time available to pursue anything.. not even a friendship with him or anyone else for that matter. He seemed to get it.. i thought I was done dealing with that, but NO!! he still sends texts and calls, occasionally requesting that I send him a pic or just a text filled with those sad smiling faces, and the hearts ones, or the blushing one or god knows what others he sends me.
I sent him another text message asking him to just leave me alone, and yet it keeps on going! What does he want from me. Do i really need to use foul language on him in order to get him to leave me alone?! I don't want to resort to that because that is not who I am, the worst part of all of this is that it all brings back horrid memories I lived though once. The upside of this is that boy lives in another state but still! gah! I tried getting the number blocked but that takes money-something I don't have!! GRR. I just wish he'd leave me alone..
Hey KId! (in case you haven't noticed.. you're still A KID.)I don't have time for your adolecent attitude or whatever other issues are causing you to bother me. PLEASE PLEASE leave me alone.
Not that hed be able to find this blog but in the case that he does.. those words are for him.
1 comment:
Hey, I found your blog through 20sb. I think your blog is really cute, but sorry about your little stalker! Haha. That really does suck. Eventually he will get the clue if you just ignore him though.
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