1. The proffessor in Class C annoys me. I am in need of 2 of these courses to meet one of my degree requirements. i took the first course las semester this is the second. The prof that i took last semester was so challenging. She challenged me. there were times where I had my doubts of passing the class. This professor is just too easy... lectures for most of the class, i wish she would let the students speak.. or allow us to respond to her... sometimes it think that shes bias toward some issues... her Quizzes are way too long but too easy at the same time. Also, shes needs to put her foot down when it comes to people missing class and allowing us to take the quizzes home because only 3 people read.. its ridiculous.. grow a backbone lady!

2. to the girl who sits behind me in Class C: put your feet up on my chair one more time and I will chop them off!! so the desks in this class are the ones you slide into.. (see picture)ok.. so how annoying is it that i can feel her move her feet on my butt!! she sits very unlady, very slouchy (sp?) and she puts her feet up on my desk.. no matter how much i turn around to adjust my chair. she wouldnt get it.. The second week of class i brough my jacket and specifically hung it on the backrest of my chair thinking this would keep her from putting her feet up.. i was wrong.. i ended up with shoemarks on my jacket.. youre probably wondering why didnt i just move seats... well i did.. and the two times i did move.. there she went behind me.. IT took a very long ugly look at her when she did this in oder for her to stop..
4. Rain + cold = NO fun. I love LOVE the rain, and I Love LOVE, LoVe, the cold weather, but when you put them together... I dont love them too at all. the other day i got soaked.. and it doesnt help that the drains are no good.. Water accumulates everywhere.. I seriously feel like im crossing at least, AT LEAST 5 rivers when i make my way to school. I guess getting a bigger umbrella would work too.. but what does one do about wet shoes!!?? ugh.. theres nothing more annoying than having wet feet ALL DAY long.. (the plastic bag thingy i mentioned in another blog didnt do the trick this time.. go figure! )
hmm.. i thought my list was longer.. im sure it is, but i cant seem to find the paper ive jotted them in... if i find it.. i will add more to this blog.. lol
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