Depending on how you want to look at it, it may sound like im just rambling... and that including a picture of a door was pretty cheesy.. lol.. and youre probably correct...
FYI the pic was the inpsiration for this post.
For some, it may seem like its closing.. (Going to Spain) but if thats the case, "when one door closes, another one opens."
Last night i received a call letting me know that they had accepted my application for the MIE (MEXICAN IMMERSION EXPERIECE) group. Originally this was scheduled for the week of spring break. Because Campus ministry thought it was too little time to prep for it, they have changed the dates to the second week in MAY. what is MIE?
In Short, its mission trip the university has every semester. the trip is to the suburbs of Monterrey, Nuevo LEon , MEXICO. we will be going there to help out some of the poorest people of a parish and help with the youth group, elderly and orphans. The cost.. it NOT $4000.. but $100. What difference eh? Ive seen pictures and ive heard people talk about it and i am eager to go. in fact today is our first meeting. We will be fundraising for til we are to set off.
So i know that, most people join this to be culturally immerse in the mexican culture, or because they are learning spanish and want to get the practice, others are doing it because of their social work, theology, or mexican american studies majors. My motives? none of the above. I am a MExican and I am in no need of getting culturally immersed, I am fluent in spanish, and this isnt something required of me for my degree. It isnt also something to replace my trip to spain.
Although most people might look back at their college experience and talk about all the frienships they made, sororieties, fraterneties, or clubs they were in, i know that i wont have that.. I do however want to have SOmething to say, and if its only one thing, i want to make it meaningful. Helping others and practicing what is taught at church is meaningful to me.
I hear we will be staying with a group of nuns, and that the men will stay at the parish we will be staying at with the Father. I am curious to see how some of the other people willl react. Their faces when they showed pics of what the conditions were were revealed some worry. But seeing a pic and experiencing it are two different things. Im not saying i am an expert or that i know what the situation is like there, but i think i can relate a lot to what some of the pictures showed. IT made me want to go even more so than before. A week in MExico and all i need is $100?! you know im there.... especially if its a mission trip to help the less fortunate.

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