UGH! I hate mondays with a passion!
Seriously.. they are the worst day of the week for me. My Schedule is wack.. I wont see my bed til tuesday morning.. and I don't even get to sleep in it.. I just have time to bathe, get dressed.. and head back to school for tuesday classes.
ALso, my laptop is gone.. well not really.. but apparently its 'infected' with something and now its useless at my place... to make matters worse i have a paper due tommorrow and a presentation to finish up thats also to be presented tomorrow.. ugh! i think i would have had it done by now.. but no.
sometimes I think theres no way my life, or situation can possibly get worse, and then as if God is teasing me something happens. I should probably make peace with him because who knows what else can go wrong.
I'm working on it...
OK so, i wasnt gonna plan on being here for the V-day, I was hoping to be up in OKlahoma, doing a presentation and catching up with old friends I havent seen in a year. I was asked to be a panelist for a town hall meeting-type of deal and was also to help with a presentation. I was really looking forward to being away. Valentines day isnt a holiday I have enjoyed the past few years at all.. and not that I need someone 'special' on that day, it just tends to bring really good memories of a really happy time in my life... and also the realization that I probably wont ever get to be that happy again. lol.
As it turned out, the people I was goign to drive with decided to fly instead... I have no means to pay for that, or anything else for that matter, (totally broke and then )

So now it's thursday, I was supposed to be on my way to Oklahoma, but it wasn't written that I go. Happy V-day to me! yay- lol... ok so im not excited at all about it.. and not because I dont have a significant other, its mostly because it seems that each year.. people go over board on everything that deals with this day, than the previous year. It is truly a hallmark holiday.. isnt that what some refer it to?
And what I hate, and wish to simply not hear is people ( mostly girls.. ok.. all of them are complain about their boyfriend (or whatever boy toy they not making this day special or for not planning to go out on this day.
I think even , if i did have someone it wouldnt be a big deal... its just not who i am. a card will do for me.. if he doesnt get me a card... oh well.. no big deal..
Girls who make it a big deal, arent really in the relationship for the right reasons... if they were they wouldnt need flowers, a gift, dinner, movie,..etc from the other end as a symbol of their appreciation. feel free to disagree...
1 comment:
i was in "school" on the friday before valentines day and girls would come in complaining saying "my boyfriend JUST gave me THIS. Can you believe that? I think i deserve a little more."
i thought.. "ni que le hubieras dado chiche. No sabes ni en que situacion anda, ni lo que pasa."
on the other hand, I think mothers day is important. but you know, not even a mother would complain about what she got. if she hadnt seen her child in weeks. she be just as satisfied to have his/her presence once again in "brazos de mama." Same goes for fathers. I have read nonverbal behaviors and they are just as sentimental and just as happy when they get to see their children.
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