Thursday, February 24, 2011

I came across this...

 I'd like to add that this was written about 6 to 9 months ago.... I don't remember exactly when, but I usually open up word and type away. This was obviously written when i had no internet access otherwise it would have been posted earlier. 

I know its in Spanish, my apologies for those who aren't able to read it. I decided to post this because its time I cope with the reality. I may or may never find that guy... My Blog topics may begin to take a different route because of this realization and because of other complications that need not be mentioned.  

Para ti,

Hay tanto que deseo compartir contigo. Por donde empezar? Primero te pido perdon, perdon por mis pecados.

Supongo que debo advertirte de la vida que se me a dado, eso que me hace ser quien soy, y las razones por las cuales me motivo a vivir la vida.

Naci en una familia humilde, donde supe valorar la union entre hermanos, apezar de la forma en la cual veen el mundo sea completamente opuesta a la mia. Ni uno de ellos supo tampoco comprender mis suenos, pero aun haci supe que la union entre hermanos siempre es importante y  algo que consiste de mucho valor.

Mis padres no fueron felizes todo el tiempo y fui testigo del dano que causa la deshonestidad y la infidelidad. Pero aun haci la importancia de lo que significa la familia jamas sera algo que quisiera perder .

El matrinomio es algo sagrado para mi, madre deseo ser de nuestros propios o si tenemos que adoptar. Se que ser padres sera una gran bendicion para ti y para mi.

Yo veo embejeser juntos, un dia a la vez. Apollandonos uno al otro, convertiento tus esperanzas y suenos en los mios.

Eh cometido errores de los cuales jamas quiero hablar.
Pero espero que nos concentremos en el futuro y juntos vivir para servir a Dios.

Si pasas por aqui, y lees esto... quiero que sepas que me gustaria conocerte, y veer tu cara.

I know, I know.. what you are thinking ...the whole marriage thing again right?! lol. can you really blame a girl though? jaja. Like I said before... This doesn't mean that i am ready to jump the gun, but its just something I jotted down a few months ago... I figured it went well with the theme of some of my previous posts.

If you happen to bump into him before I do, let him know I've been waiting long enough…..

Thursday, February 17, 2011

A few of the the things that annoy me....

Because I have been going to the gym quiet frequently, I feel the need to vent about a few of the things that annoy me.

Seriously, if you ever come across this particular post, or if you ever join a gym.... please take what you are about to read into consideration and DON'T do any of the things mentioned.

and if you do some of these things... im sorry... my intentions are never to insult anyone...

-- People who wear jeans or other non-athletic clothing.. you look foolish.. could you really work out in JEans??
My advise: go to Wal-mart-.. Their athletic clothes are not that expensive... and if you can afford an ipod... im pretty sure you can afford some decent work out clothes... Wearing Pajamas is also a big no no! are you thinking of heading straight to bed after your all sweaty????

--- People who don't wipe the equipment when they are done using it. ... THIS IS GROSSS! the gym staff provides paper towels and disinfectant. Your mom doesn't work there and if you are really lazy to do it yourself.. have her join you at the gym and follow you around.

----Girls who show up with their makeup freshly applied.... HAHA this makes me laugh... the worst part is that guys actually fall for this. What do you get out of wearing so much makeup.. i would advise you to take it off so that your pores don't get all filthy but these girls don't even break a sweat in fact they do dont even last 5 minutes on any machines

------Guys who think that ALL girls go to meet guys.. NEWSFLASH !! some of us actually enjoy working out and getting really sweaty and have no interest in meeting anyone no matter how much you bench or how many tattoos you have.

okay thats it... i think.. haha..

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Beautiful Mess

If I could choose a phrase to describe my life lately it would be the title of this post....

Beautiful Mess.

Yes, I am in a Beautiful mess and I know that not a lot of people agree with the changes that are about to undergo, but there is nothing anyone can say or do to change my mind. It is also why A lot of people don't know.

I am just now realizing that I am probably gonna get the shorter end of the stick just because I am sacrificing so much. My biggest fear is that I will end up hurt. I just hope to learn to hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

There is so much chaos going about in my head and I wish I knew what to do with it all. I prayed for peace and an easy life and I just about went and made sure it wasnt so. I wont have peace because my heart is not at ease and its not easy because every aspects of this entire decision is complicated.

No one can understand and no one ever will. I just hope no one judges or thinks less of me. Even if people do think less of me, its because they really dont know who I am.

I will try my best to adap to all of the changes in my life and hope that This Changes soon. If only my heart understood and wasnt so fragile and weak, then all of this might work....