Friday, September 24, 2010

Hope floats???

I had lunch with "Dr. Pepper" (lol- don't ask) and a fellow classmate who has become a friend of mine. The topic always seems to come up no matter where or with who I am with.

This was no different. They talked about their relationships... yes. I pretty much stayed quiet but when asked about who or what guy I was dating, i just sat there. I have, like on most occasions, just sat there and said nothing.

LOL I found it funny how Dr, Pepper keep telling me how it was okay to go out with guys and it be strictly platonic. I don't even know how it came it. What is it and who can explain this to me?? Obviously they did explain it to me and although they had hope I would walk away thinking that this was the way to have fun, and just go out, I didn't. Who needs to go out?!

I have no desire to do any of this, and perhaps people may call me a hypocrite because I always say that I can't wait til I am married with kids. Obviously if I am not out there looking for someone, when will that happen? right?? My answer: In God's Time.

I don't feel like i need to LOOK for a guy. I have faith that God will place him in my path at the right time. sometimes i get impatient and ask for a sign. I have doubts that I will probably never get to experience this, marriage, motherhood. And if I don't I want a sign. A sign that will allow me to just begin to resign to the idea of not ever having such thing. It may be and sound a bit depressing but when your hopes are to build a family where support is unconditional, and marriage is a sacred thing, you can't help but keep hope afloat .

I sometimes think that I am trying to make up what I have lacked in my life. And perhaps this is true... But a big part of this desire that I have is to simply fulfill what I think God has planned in my life.

Yes sometimes I wish he would hurry, But whether I have yet to meet him or whether hes already in my life, I will try to be as patient as i can.

Dear God,

Please hurry.... send me signs, send me something. Give me the wisdom to see and understand what your plan for me is.

p.s. i am willing to relocate. :D

your humble servant,


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