My intentions were to Attend school "C" for the fall, but as life would have it it seems like I may end up back where I started, school "A." I refuse to return to School "B". Another possibility is School "D". Why did I wait so long? And it doesnt help that my financial aid has yet to be awarded. I could beat myself really hard waiting this long.
Ok so this blog was started a while back and its time i finish it. UPDATE!! i got into school "C" and my financial aid came through, but because this school is a private institution, its costing me an arm and a leg! maybe two legs!!!!!!!!!!!! i would still have to come up with $4,000 a semester to fully pay off my schooling.
Theres this other issue. Out of my 65 hours earned.. only 23 were transffered. 23!!!????????? NO LIE! If I make the choice to attend such school, my classification is a freshmen! this is whats tugging at me. I have been in school for over 6 semester and I am not happy if I am considered a Freshmen!!! no way !
so I have applied to public institutions and now I must play the waiting game.. lets see who offers me more money.. is that bad...?? that I seek the cheaper option for me?! that I choose not to drown myself in debt this early in my college carreer?. I tell you what though, my future husband - Who ever it may be... better be glad and appreciate the fact that I'm trying to not bring in too much debt for him to share with. Besides I dont want to be paying off student loans while my own children are trying to get into a university someday.
I like to know where I'm gonna be months in advance, and this - not knowing where i will be in in the fall is driving me bonkers! I am anxious, nervous but nevertheless hopeful and full of faith.
I have come to the conclusion that its God's way of getting my attention and his message has clearly been delivered. Did you hear that big guy... point TAKEN. Now, lets work on getting things moving along, how about it? lol.