So this is in continuation of of the previous blog. I know that I had started blogging in Spanish, and later changed, just FYI-my mood changes, as so does my preference in language. lol. Actually, the real reason why I'm typing in English is because Firefox has this feature where every word that "it" thinks is misspelled is underlined in red. Obviously, all words in Spanish will be red, lol and frankly, it gets annoying. I have a thing for the color red when it comes to anything I am writing. So the previous blog was mostly on my oldest brother Luz, his family and his struggles. Now I now that I mentioned P before. He is the second oldest. My memories of P are all very dear to my heart. See, he took on the father figure for the rest of us when my father wanted to do nothing with us. As soon as he made the trip and was safely across the border, things seem to be getting better for us. He represents security. I remember when he'd pick us up from school. There was one ocassion where hed taken us to buy bread and bologna. It is what we ate for the most part.
The conditions we lived under at that time are very hard to forget. Hard to forget but they are memories that makes me appreciate all that I have today. I shall put up a blog soon about our living condition during that time soon.
But getting back to P, talk about a hard working beaner. He knows what the value of hard work is and has endured many hardships. He is a very confident man. He has 3 kids. Y-age 9, Xa-age 2, and Xi-age 1. That is from this past Christmas. Where's the wife you ask? Ah... who knows where she was at that night. My brother found out about her infidelity with a co worker of hers. Lets make her "M" just because. P and M, were married when they found out that Y was on the way. She too comes from Mexico, and we welcomed her with open arms into the family. Now M was not what my mom would consider as wife material. She has always worked an 8-5 job, and because they lived with us, she didn't need to worry about cooking for P because my mom always made food for everyone. Daily responsibilities that a wife didn't seem to face her much. When they finally had a place of their own, it became apparent that she didn't take pride in having a neat and clean house. It would take her an entire day just to sweep. My brother was constantly arguing and pleading her to get things done. Simple things, like making sure the kids had clean clothes, washing dishes that sort of thing. Another issue that my brother encountered with her was her excessive misuse of her money. My brother and her never really practice having a joint account. What she earned was hers and of course they each took care of bills. Because she was able to attend high school here, she kept a job that paid her well. As oppose to my brother, he worked and has worked for the most part at a mechanic shop. Cars are his thing. He is the one, we go to when our vehicles aren't running appropriately. Any who, Pancho found out about M because of excessive phone use since Pancho was the one who paid their cell phones, he questioned her when their bill reached $1000.00, yes that's A THOUSAND dollars. He had every right to question it, didn't he? She simply explained that she had been texting a friend that was going through some tough times, and that the late night calls where also her friend. My brother excused it and said to manage her minutes and consider her texting, because paying over a thousand dollars for cell phones was ridiculous. But the next month was just as bad. That's when all of us, started to see a change in him. I guess I should mentioned that we knew nothing was going on. All we noticed was that my brother was not as hard with her as he used to be. He started being more affectionate towards her and came to show his appreciation towards her in small details. Giving her more time for herself, so that she can take a break from the three kids. Making sure she went out with her friends was also something he did. We found it very odd because of those were the same things he had issues with before. But again, we didn't make much of it. A few months later, he throws us for a spin when he announces what was behind the change in him. After M confessed who she was really talking to -her male friend, Everything just bottled over and he said he'd forgive her, and that he'd look past it because he thought it was only fair to do so, after all they did have three kids. Two of which were under the age of 2 at that time.
As you might imagine-we all took it pretty hard. For some members in the family, it was and still is very hard to believe. M was at every family event since she married P. Because she comes from a very small family, she seemed to enjoy our loud, sometimes over dramatic family. WE would have never believe that she would do such a thing. My brother cried. No he's not a whimp- and I know that "los hombres no deben llorar" but yes my brother cried because marriage to him is a life long commitment.We were raised to believe wholeheartly in this. Perhaps when I post the blog about my dad you will see why we value marriage. We were brought up with the belief that marriage is a sacred thing and we also do not believe in divorce. Yet here is my brother, a man with tons of determination, a man who pulled through and helped my mother care for the rest of us, getting beat up by life. Admiro mucho a P, Mas aun por lo que esta pasando ahorita. Lo inevitable-el divorcio. She filed for it. Our biggest concern is the children. What's gonna happened to them. Most judges grant the custody of the kids to the mother. That is what we fear. She is not a bad mother.
My Dad, who does not work cares for his two toddlers. Y is picked up by me, after school along with my brothers and nephew and taken to my parents until M picks her up and her two younger siblings. Xi and Xa have a routine and they adore being with my dad the entire day. There are days where Xavier kicks and screams when M picks them up because hes become so attached and accustomed to my parents home. If she gets custody of the children, who will care for them? Xavier And Ximena know no other persons persons besides the members in our family. They are very shy among strangers and cry if picked up by anyone who isn't from our family. What will happen if she gets them? Where will they go? My father does not work because of his illness, and although hes extremely rough along the edges-he does a great job of caring for them. Our life would change if these two monster are not seen by us on a daily basis. Si, les llame monstruos por que lo son. Travesuras son sus pasa tiempos. En particular Xi. Le gusta pelear con su hermano y con la prima lexy cuyo tambien es cuidada por mi padre. Xavier es feliz con una pelota de futbol y muy amenudo lo puedes encontrar enojado por que no obtiene lo que quiere. Ellos son Felices bajo el cuidado de mis padres, y no puedo imaginar el dia que nos digan que no los veeremos todos los dias. Se me partira el corazon? Creo que es una gran posibilidad.
Mi hermano, P fue el padre que nos cuidaba cuando nuestro padre andaba por malos pasos. I think I may know him more as a father than as a big brother.
I will continue to randomly post blogs about my brothers and the rest of my family.